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Author: admin

Connecting Our Way to Greater Happiness and Health

What do social connections have to do with happiness? Everything, according to an amazing Harvard study that has followed the same people for over 80 years (one of the longest studies ever done!). What they found from this extensive research is that quality relationships with family, friends and partners…

Is Gratitude the Key to Happiness?

I love how something as simple as gratitude, that’s completely within our control, can have such a positive impact on our lives. With research-backed evidence that links the practice of gratitude to our overall well-being, scientists prove gratitude to be more than just a current mainstream buzzword. And as it turns out, not only can we increase our own happiness by cultivating gratitude, but in true Spread Happy fashion, studies show we also become more motivated to extend generosity and kindness toward others!

Celebrating Creativity

What does it mean to be “creative?” Though creativity is a word often reserved for artists, there are so many more applications than we may think. From everyday activities like cooking and taking walks, to organizing and clutter-clearing, there are many different ways to engage with creativity. As an added bonus, not only do creative…

5 Public Art Installations to Inspire Joy

Can the word “Happiness” written in chalk really generate feelings of happiness? Can we elevate our mood by simply looking at a kind phrase on a sticker? (spoiler alert) YES! 😊 Interactive public art has the power to positively impact us, both as individuals and communities. It can capture our imaginations, build community, and also…

Say Cheese – How Smiling Might be the Simplest Way to a Longer and Happier Life

Could it really be that simple? We all know it feels good to smile, or receive a smile from someone else. Our smiles also express the happiness we feel. By looking more deeply into the research on smiling, it’s amazing how much more we can discover about this universal expression of positivity. We’re all born…